Hi! I’m Roos - a UX designer with a strong research background creating human-centred, impactful experiences.

2021-2022 · An online STI clinic for the NHS

Led research and design to set up a web-based Sexual Health Clinic (eSHC) for a digital NHS, to enable people in the UK to get STI tests and chlamydia treatment online and get their partner(s) tested and treated too.

coming soon

2020 · Leveraging technology for sexual desire

Conducted deep dive research, participatory design sessions, and created conceptual designs to explore couples’ needs in how technology could support sexual desire.

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2019 · A video call feature for Minddistrict.com

Designed a video feature for the responsive Minddistrict website to offer support from therapists during patients' online self-help journey.

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2019 · A Multisensory Public Display Game

Co-researched and designed the game ‘Make Some Noise For Nature’ to raise awareness for animal extinction and promote behavioural change. We became finalists of the CHI2020 Game Competition.

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2018 · A customisation design tool for Correctbook

Designed a web-based personalisation tool to empower customers to personalise their own correctbook products, to increase sales.

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2019 · A bio-feedback drawing tool

Invented and developed a fully functional physical prototype ‘HeART’ that identifies stress and helps reduce it through drawing with bio-feedback coded colours.

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